A Crecer is a community-based study that aims to understand the factors that affect the health and well-being of Salinas teens and young adults.
The first phase of the study…
enrolled teens in 8th grade to focus on the early teen years and transition to high school. We measured factors linked to success (such as school engagement, hope for the future, and resilience) and health challenges (including youth violence and sexual health risks). Results from the first phase of the A Crecer study were shared with local community partners to inform programs and services for youth success. In addition, results have been presented at multiple conferences and in publications to share findings with those working to improve adolescent health and well-being in other communities in the United States.
Our current research expands A Crecer into a new phase that re-engages youth from phase 1 to focus on factors that influence health and wellbeing in emerging adulthood (ages 18-22).
A Crecer Phase 2 will:
Examine social determinants that affect sexual health in emerging adulthood. Our focus on sexual health includes: unintended pregnancy, STIs, birth control use, and use of reproductive health care services.
The social determinants of health are defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as the “conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play that can affect a wide range of health outcomes. “ (To learn more: About Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) (cdc.gov)). A Crecer focuses on multiple social determinants of health, including social and community context, education, neighborhood environment, and access to health care.
Identify social determinants that affect well-being in emerging adulthood, including educational and mental health outcomes.
Guide recommendations for prevention strategies and interventions.
Recognizing the strengths and resilience of Salinas teens, the study prioritizes a focus on protective factors that support health and well-being for youth.
Protective factors are conditions or characteristics in individuals, families, communities, or in society that lessen or reduce risk in youth and their families. A Crecer research to date has shown the importance of protective and risk factors in affecting young people’s health. Both social and community factors stand as important influences, including: family relationships, (strong communication with mothers and connections with family members); neighborhood social cohesion, unstable housing, exposure to community violence, close school connections, and social capital that offers bridges to community resources.
A Crecer will…use a blend of surveys and conversation-style interviews to understand the effects of social determinants on sexual health and well-being outcomes, and protective factors that mitigate risk, with the goal of designing future interventions and informing health-promoting policy action.
Who is Involved?
A Crecer brings together a strong team of researchers and adolescent medicine experts. Researchers are from RTI international, UC Berkeley, and UC San Francisco. This team originally partnered with public health leaders at the Monterey County Health Department and Natividad Medical Center to create this project in Salinas! The project benefitted from strong partnerships with the Salinas Union High School District and many other community agencies and leaders who helped guide the research.